Eyetech Group Ltd

    Amiga Product Notes      

A CHIP Free Diet can be very unhealthy
for your Amiga




Eyetech first introduced the buffered IDE interface to Amiga users around three years ago in response to data corruption and instability problems resulting from the use of unbuffered interfaces being sold by some suppliers for attaching a CDROM to an A1200. The buffered interface (which needs at least 3 chips and a handful of other components to do its job properly) puts back the electronics that were left out of the A1200 design (but included as standard in the A4000 and all PC designs).

However, it has been brought to our attention that low cost, chipless, unbuffered interfaces are now being advertised as buffered interfaces in some quarters. Beware - these interfaces can cause data corruption and/or permanent damage to your Amiga and peripherals if the total length of all data cables (from all connectors) exceeds 30cm/12inches. You have been warned!